Participant Registration In HDCM

Application Form For CBBO Vacancy

Madhya Pradesh State
Co-operative Union Limited


S.N.DescriptionTrained Participants
1 State level one day training on Judicious application of chemical fertilizers in agriculture 2769
2 Leadership Development Program for Fishery Cooperative, Dairy Cooperatives, Vanopaj Cooperatives, Women's Credit Cooperative, and Kadak Nath Poultry Cooperative. Three days training programm sponsored by NCUI New Delhi. 183
3 AIDS Orientation and Awareness programm sponsored by AIDS Control Committee, Govt of MP. 102
4 Training on Prevention of Cyber crime for staff officers of Department of Cooperation and Dist Cooperative Banks 329
5 Managerial skills and accounting for the Managers and Vendors of Primary Agricultural Credit Co-operative Societies and Training on Customer Service Sponsored by ICDP Harda 200
6 Awareness programme on employment opportunities in Cooperatives for students of the college and school by training center, Naogaon. 297
7 One day Training on Improving self efficacy on the workplace for all women employees of Dept. of Cooperation by Bhopal training centre. 40
8 The training of Master Tanners on Innovation was given to the officers of the cooperative department at Bhopal. 228
9 HDCM (Two special sessions were organized in Indore and Jabalpur for Cooperative Inspectors of Department of Cooperation). 107
10 Two days skillfull Management cum orientation course for the officers of Khadi and Village Industries Board, at Bhopal training centre. 63
Total 4318

Name of Sponsor

Commissioner Cooperation and Registrar Cooperative Societies,  Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal

Name of Associate Department/Organization

All District Cooperative central Bank

Main Objective of Training

On a balanced utilization to farmers and officials of PACS on judicious use of chemical fertilizers.

No of Total District Covered In Training Program


Total Number of Trained Beneficiaries


Target Group

Officials, Members, Active Farmers of Primary Agricultural Credit Co-operative Societies.

Duration  of Training

One Day

Training Month

January - February 2018

Venue of Training Program           

Auditorium of All District Cooperative Central Bank